What are some marketing automation examples?

Marketing automation has helped many marketers streamline their campaigns, improve their efficiency, and increase their ROI. But what exactly can you automate with marketing automation software? Let’s take a look at some common examples.

Welcome email

Your welcome email is one of the most important emails you can ever send to your subscribers. Not only does it make your subscribers feel welcome to be a part of your family, but it’s also the perfect platform to sell your latest subscriber on what you have to offer in terms of content.

Despite being a very important email, it’s repetitive, mundane, and time-consuming to send one out manually to every new subscriber. This is where automated email sending comes to the rescue, as you can automatically send out a welcome email to each new subscriber.

Lead nurturing

Another classic example of marketing automation is a lead nurturing campaign. This is the process in which you take a lead on a customer journey that transforms them from a visitor into a paying customer. A lead nurturing campaign is usually run using a triggered email series whereby subsequent emails are sent according to a specific action your prospect has taken.

Maintaining a healthy and engaged list

An email campaign is only as effective as the quality of your list. Email automation software can help you maintain a healthy list by allowing you to run an engagement campaign and cleaning out subscribers that don’t take action in said re-engagement campaign.

In the backdrop of what email automation is and how it helps the marketer, what did our survey results show